Mainostoimisto Luma

Digital Agency from the north

Our goal is to support companies to succeed by creating a visual competitive advantage in to the digital world. Our services include brand design, marketing services, video production and WordPress website development.

Esimerkki Mainostoimisto Luman suunnittelemasta yritysilmeestä Ambientialle

Northern visuals

Brand design

The company’s brand is what customers first think of when they hear a company name, or when they see a company’s product or ad. A good brand shakes, evokes emotions and leaves a mark.

Together with the client, we first define the brand’s design goals and its various uses. The goal can be to reach certain target groups, convey a message, evoke a feeling in the customer, or improve the user experience.

Our design is inspired by Scandinavian nature, architecture, design and minimalism. Luma’s design is functional: systematically implemented, clear and beautiful.


Matti Mörsäri

Digital Agency Luma

About us

We are Mainostoimisto Luma, a digital agency from Oulu, Finland. We provide design and marketing services and help companies to achieve their business goals by making the digital world beautiful and functional.

We offer personalized service based on the customer’s needs. Our m.o. is driven by transparency and responsibility. An example of this is our practice of transferring the rights to use the finished material created by us to the client. We invest in good communication with our clients through goal setting and feedback discussions.

Our services include brand design, visual and graphic design, web design, marketing services for Google and social media, video production, streaming, photography, animation and 3D visualization.

Video production

Over the years we have produced, for example, marketing and promotional videos, advertisements for TV and social media, product presentations and instructional videos, and multi-camera streaming productions for events and webinars. We also have experience in animation, so we can spice up our videos with graphic animation and 3D.

We offer high-end video production for different purposes, both big and small, from start to finish. We have years of experience, own high quality equipment, and also have a studio of our own which can be used in the projects.

See our showreel below and check out other references from our video production site and Vimeo channel!

Production services

Seek no further, we at Luma offer you all kinds of production services: location scouting, casting and other production assistance using our local knowledge and contacts. We can also provide you with professional visual content your production needs, both videos and stills.

Do you have a movie, documentary or commercial video production happening around Oulu, Finland? Do you need assistance or equipment for your project? Or maybe you need good quality videos or photos from our area, but have no time or resources to travel here?

We also have a studio (picture below) and high-end equipment available for rent. See the list of rentable camera gear.



Eye-catching photographs are an important part of brand or company communications. We have a lot of experience in many styles of photography: people, events, apartments, properties, products and animals. Our studio is an excellent location for portraits and product photography. We do also aerial photography and videography. See some of our references below, and check out more on our photography site.

Our clients

Creative work from
the north with love.

Our clients are mainly companies from Finland, but we also work constantly with brands all over Europe.

Mainostoimisto Luman sisällöntuottaja Riku Määttä

Contact us

Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will answer to your request within three work days. Usually we’ll call or email you first and ask for more details about your project, or if necessary, we can arrange a meeting.

Riku Määttä

+358 44 756 3775

Myynti Tarjouspyyntö Ajanvaraus